更大的萨克拉门托 Region Recognized As A National Leader In Equitable Economic Growth By Brookings Institution 2024 Metro Monitor Report



该地区在美国排名第二.S. for largest decrease in relative poverty rate and #4 for economic inclusion

萨克拉门托, - - - 2024年布鲁金斯学会城市排名, analyzing 10-year economic performance of the country’s 54 largest metros through five key indicators – 成长th, 繁荣, 整体包含, racial inclusion and geographic inclusion – highlight the 更大的萨克拉门托 region’s remarkable economic advancements. Where the region had three measures ranked outside of the top 35 in 2023, 到2024年,它在各项指标中都进入了前20名.

与去年相比有了显著的进步, 该地区在几个关键领域的排名有所提高:

  • 繁荣: 繁荣得到了实质性的促进, 排名上升了11位,从2023年的第28位上升到2024年的第17位. 值得注意的是, the region now boasts the second highest decrease in relative poverty rate in the country (-5%), 这是该地区经济公平改善的证明.
  • 包含: Inclusion has also seen significant improvements, with the region ranking #4 in the country. 该地区服务不足社区的收入中位数增长了 $7,232. 种族就业差距率下降了4%.种族贫困差距缩小了3%.8%, showing the region’s progress toward reducing economic disparities across the region. The region is also now #3 for geographic inclusion (up from #14 in 2023).
  • 增长和生产力: A key highlight from the report is the 成长th of Sacramento’s Gross Metropolitan Product (GMP), 这个数字激增了 34.2% 2012 - 2022年. 这个跳跃是由一个13支撑的.都市统计区(MSA)的生产力变化了4%,而.平均年工资增长8%.

“What is outstanding about this data is that we are not only seeing incredible economic 成长th, but that we are 成长ing in a way that creates equitable opportunities for the region’s residents, 不管他们的背景或邮政编码,巴里·布鲁姆说, 总统 & 大萨克拉门托经济委员会(GSEC)首席执行官. “这一进展是40多位首席执行官努力的结果, 22 communities and higher educational institutions on GSEC’s 董事会, who have rallied around a shared vision for inclusive economic 成长th over the past nine years.”

此外,该地区看到了一个 47.8% 在同一时期,年轻公司的工作岗位增加了, illustrating the profound impact of entrepreneurship and startups on employment and economic vitality in the region. Twelve billion dollars in 成长th capital has been invested in the region over the last five years.

These advancements mark a significant chapter in the region’s economic evolution. From placing as the last metro in California to regaining all jobs lost during the 2008 recession, to emerging as the second-fastest major metro in the state and achieving full job recovery post-pandemic by 2022, 这一重大转变凸显了, 自2015年成立以来, GSEC and its Board have strengthened and diversified the economic foundation, improved the region’s overall competitive position and built a robust economy.

“These achievements underscore the region’s unwavering dedication to fostering an inclusive economy that elevates our position in national rankings. Sacramento State is proud to be at the forefront of promoting diversity, 访问, 成功, 以及我们学校各方面的卓越表现,萨克拉门托州立大学校长卢克·伍德说. “Sacramento State has the highest enrollment of Black/African American students among all the 23-campuses in the California State University system. Our university has also established the nation’s first-ever Black Honors College (BHC), 哪一所是强化的学生联合课程学院. Our region stands as a shining exemplar of 访问ibility and opportunity for everyone and will only continue to lead by example.”

The 更大的萨克拉门托 region is undergoing unprecedented economic momentum. In the past two years, it’s seen skyrocketing investment in its semiconductor industry, with Solidigm 将其全球总部迁至科多瓦牧场 博世 投资1美元.50亿美元建立第一家美国公司.S. 罗斯维尔的芯片制造工厂 三星 打开半导体R&我在福尔森的办公室. Additionally, the life science industry is expanding in the region with虎鲸生物的 construction of an100,000-square-foot commercial facility in Sacramento and UC Davis’ $1.50亿的生命科学研究园区计划于2025年开放.

For more information, 访问 the Brookings Institution Metro Monitor Report: http://www.brookings.edu/articles/metro-monitor-2024/


The 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 is the catalyst for innovative 成长th strategies in the Capital Region of California. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, 成长 扩大可贸易部门, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 更大的萨克拉门托 represents a collaboration between local and state governments, market leaders, 有影响力的人 and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic 成长th. 大萨克拉门托地区建立在发现的基础上,建立在 领导 在创新的推动下. 





今天, 萨克拉门托国王队, majority owner of the five-time Pacific Coast League champion Sacramento River Cats, announced that Sutter Health Park will host the A’s for three MLB seasons starting in 2025 with an option for a fourth – ahead of the team’s transition to Las Vegas.